Planning blog on quality of life is the efford to review quality of life in our neighbourhood and surrounding.To discuss this aspect the smaller parameter on quality of life is choosen which is infrastructures and public facilities to view how the level of quality of life nowadays.
Thursday, February 26, 2009


Across the border of the city center, our eyes will catch up with the vibrant, fantastic, incredible first class facilities allocated by the government. The facilities provided showed the government intention to show their standard to the other country in order to compete in the global world. Injection of huge allocation to improve and upgrade the facilities has never ever ending but in the real world every plan that has been proposed only thinks about the vantage to the certain groups. As the results, after years the project has been completed the major problem in every construction in Malaysia immediately arose - no ever a single maintenance has been done to maintain the facilities. The facilities once upon a time has recognized as a vibrant, fantastic, incredible first class facilities now become unworthy, abandon, disgusted place to stop. And the most blunders when the facilities become the source of threatening the safety especially to the city dwellers. No wonder the maintenance works always undergo after several death has been recorded due to the unmaintenance facilities. In the other word, the first class facilities in Malaysia never experience the first class maintenance.

Back to the main topic, facility provided in the city center always needed hefty cost. But, the usages of the facilities provided are limited to a certain group. Basically, the facilities in the elitist area are better than other area. This situation happens because the developer wants to attract the group to have properties in their project. Obviously, not all the citizens will get access to the facilities. Only people who are willing to invest their money will get the full access to thus facilities. Meanwhile in the other part, where high demand from the ordinary city dwellers, the facilities provided always look very poor neither in condition nor maintenance. The urban designer like planner, architect and engineer should be blamed for what happen nowadays. They have already design settlement for elitist group and create segregation in the social aspect. In the same time they also create a new pattern in the quality of life of the people who live in the urban area. The rich people will become rich and the lower class people will become tenser. Local authority should provide facility without thinking the interest but they should think other users which are always needs the facility in their daily routine and help them to improve their quality of life.

The increasing numbers of city dwellers create higher demand for facilities and infras.

Do this "kontot" facility can support the public demand for facilities and infras??

Over take by the government-owned company - for profitabilty or service improvement??

The only choice that people have...overcrowded and poor facilities...

Growing communities always comes with a greater demand for the various aspects in order to enhance their quality of life. When we talk as a planner about infrastructures and public facilities in the growing communities the first impression that will arose is detailed plans for improving their facilities and utilities such as sewage treatment plants, drainage system, wastage management, telecommunication, health infra and other public facilities. And at the same moment these communities needs to upgrade and expand their infrastructure toward the sustainable infrastructure. Sustainable infrastructure plans can create a framework for the future growth while ensuring the present resources will be preserved for future generation. Educated and responsive communities are starting to thinking about sustainable infrastructure in more thoughtful and systematic way.
Integrated planning and design for the sustainable infrastructure should connect every element in the environment, economics and sustainable network. As a result the term ‘green Infrastructure’ had been arose due to the needs of the sustainable infrastructure. Webster`s New World Dictionary had defined the green infrastructure as “the substructure or underlying foundation, especially the basic installation and facilities on which the continuance and growth of a community depends”. Planners should think the smart approaches to plans and design the sustainable infrastructure. Basically the green infrastructure should be:

· Designed Holistically
Green infrastructure should be design to link elements into a system that functions as a whole rather than as separate, unrelated parts.

· Planned Comprehensively
The green space systems need to be planned to include ecological, social and economics benefits, functions and values.

· Lay Out Strategically.
Green space systems need to be laid out strategically to cross multiple jurisdictions and incorporate green space elements at each level of government.

· Planned and Implemented Publicly.
Green infrastructure systems should be planned and implemented with input from the public, including community organizations and private landowners.

· Grounded in the Principles and Practices of Diverse Professions.
Green space systems should be based on sound science and should build on the knowledge of professional disciplines such as landscape ecology, urban and regional planning, and landscape architecture.

· Funded Up-Front.
Like other infrastructure systems, the green space systems need to be funded as primary public investments rather than with money left over after all other services have been provided.